
Girls trust their peers – that’s why peer education works!

We have a team of peer educators aged 14-25 in Scotland. They’ve been trained to run safe, fun, and challenging sessions for their peers on issues like mental well-being, challenging gender stereotypes and making a stand for safety. The sessions are developed with expert partners to support Brownies, Guides and Rangers.

Sessions they deliver

  1. Think Resilient helps gives members the tools to build their mental well-being and was developed with the charity YoungMinds. 
  2. Breaking Free gives girls the tools to challenge any gender stereotype that limits them and makes it harder for them to reach their goals. Gender stereotyping happens every day. It’s in the way clothes are designed, the toys we give children and the jobs we’re encouraged to do. It’s time to challenge these gender stereotypes which make it harder for young people to achieve their dreams. 
  3. Safe the world – You are not a damsel in distress. You don’t need a superhero to save you! Including boundary-setting, assertiveness and de-escalation, get an empowering toolbelt of strategies to help you take on the world. 

Become a peer educator

Do you want to challenge gender stereotypes? Give girls the tools to build their mental well-being? Make a stand for safety? Then becoming a peer educator could be for you! You can find out more about peer education and how to become a peer educator on the Girlguiding website. If you would like to get involved, keep an eye on our events for upcoming peer education training weekends or get in touch so we can let you know when the next one is happening. Help us change the world one girl at a time. 

Become a peer education coordinator

Peer education grows when there is a coordinator in a county. This rewarding role will allow you to help peer education grow, empowering peer educators and the young people they run sessions for. You will help link leaders and peer educators to organise sessions, support peer educators to shout about their skills, encourage Rangers to get involved, coach and mentor peer educators to develop their skills, and make sure they get (and celebrate) their badges! You don’t need to have been a peer educator to become a peer education coordinator, and we currently have several county vacancies in Scotland. If you’re interested in finding out more, check out the role description on the Girlguiding website and have a chat to your county commissioner, or contact

Book a peer educator

Peer educators are role models girls can relate to. They help girls to learn about things which directly affect their lives. Would you like to bring peer education into your unit? 

Our peer educators can deliver fun, interactive sessions to their peers in Brownies, Guides and Rangers. They can deliver age-appropriate sessions on Think Resilient, Breaking Free or Safe the world. 

Before the session, you will chat with the peer educator to discuss your unit, what will happen during the session and how much you will need to get involved. 

What does a peer education session look like? 

  • The peer educator will come prepared to run the whole meeting, taking some of the pressure off you – although you will still be responsible for supporting the session. 
  • The peer educator will draw on their own life experiences to enable open and honest discussions. 
  • The session will be packed with fun activities, so your girls will have a great time as well as learn something from their peers. 
  • After the session, depending on the topic, you may have some activities to continue exploring the subject with your unit.