This funding aims to help deliver good guiding, whatever that may look like in your area.
You can apply for up to £500. You’ll be asked to choose from up to 3 categories when making your application.
The categories are:
There is a separate form for those applying for international activities that involve travelling abroad.
The Good Guiding Fund 2024 has now closed for applications.
The fund will next be open to applications between 24 February to 4 April 2025 for round 4. We won’t be able to accept applications outside of these dates.
You can only apply for funding that you’ll be able to spend within 6 months (unless you’re seeking support for travelling abroad).
The fund will only be open to levels that haven’t received Good Guiding Fund funding within the last 18 months. If you’ve had funding from Girlguiding Scotland before, you’ll also need to have completed any evaluation forms to be eligible for further funding.
Before making an application, please read the FAQs below in full. The FAQs cover everything you need to know about making an application including who can apply and what conditions you need to have met before your application will be considered so it’s worth reading them thoroughly.
Please note online versions of these forms will be available here when the fund is open. Applications completed on the word templates will not be accepted.
General application form template
Travelling abroad application form template
If you would like help or have questions that aren’t covered by the FAQs, contact
The fund will next open to applications between 24 February 2025 to 4 April 2025. It will also open again in autumn 2025 (date tbc). Both rounds will have the same amount of money allocated to them. If the number of applications from eligible levels exceeds the amount of funding available, the decision-making panel may choose to award part or no funding.
Round 4 will open at 9am on 24 February 2025 and remain open until 11:59pm on 4 April 2025. We won’t accept applications for Round 4 before 24 February 2025.
Both rounds will have the same amount of money allocated to them and all applications will be reviewed together once each round closes. We won’t be able to accept applications outside of these dates.
The fund is open to active Scottish units, districts and divisions. It is not open to counties.
Levels will only be able to apply for a Good Guiding Fund grant if they haven’t received money from this fund in the last 18 months. This is to ensure as many members as possible can benefit from the fund.
Levels that have failed to complete evaluation forms for previous rounds of funding are ineligible for further funding.
Requests to support an individual girl or girls should be made in the name of a unit by the unit leader. The unit leader will be responsible for completing the evaluation for the funding. Support for individual volunteers should be made in the name of a district or division. The district, division or county will be responsible for completing the evaluation form.
Newly opened or opening units should apply for a FoGGS New Unit Grant and Trefoil Guild Starter Pack instead of a Good Guiding Fund Grant.
Guide or Ranger units in areas of deprivation should check whether they are eligible for the Generation CashBack project before applying to Good Guiding Fund. Units that have received Generation CashBack funding in the last 12 months will not be eligible for Good Guiding Funding. This is to ensure we can spread the funding we have available around as many units as possible.
If you’re not eligible for this fund, there is lots of other support available. You’ll find details of other Girlguiding Scotland funds, Girlguiding grants and external funds here.
Unless you are applying for support to go on an international trip, please submit 1 application form per unit – if you request support for multiple units on a single application form, we won’t be able to consider your request.
For a clear audit trail, we must be able to track back funding issued to the application for funding. 1 application per unit will enable effective financial governance.
If you don’t yet have a bank account set up for your unit (or district, or division), we can arrange for the funds to be paid to your county (with their permission).
Levels can apply to the fund once every 18 months as long as they completed the required evaluation forms for any funding received previously. This is to ensure that as many members as possible can benefit from the fund.
Units experiencing hardship are encouraged to approach their commissioner for support with budgeting and advice about local sources of funding that may be available within the county. You can also find details of external funds here.
You can apply for up to £500. You should only apply for the amount of funding you’ll really need – if you apply for too much, you’ll need to be ready to return the money as it can only be used for the purpose set out in your application form. We would anticipate applicants being able to spend all the funding they are offered within 6 months of us transferring the funds.
For applications submitted as part of round 3 (September/October 2024), we’ll aim to let people know the outcome of their application by 2 December. Applicants will then have until 24 January to accept any funding offered.
For applications submitted as part of round 4 (February/March/April 2025), we’ll aim to let people know the outcome of their application by 16 May. Applicants will then have until 20 June to accept any funding offered.
Levels can apply for up to £500 across a maximum of 3 of the following categories only.
The funding isn’t available to cover costs things that have already happened. That includes bills that you have already paid or orders you’ve already placed. It also won’t fund property and building related costs (except rent) or to offer donations to meeting place providers. It can’t be used to create a contingency fund either.
Before making an application on behalf of a unit, please check the following:
You may apply for funding further in advance if seeking support for in.
You should know the level name for which you are running the trip – if you are required to complete an International REN form, this is the level named in the Event Details section of the form.
We ask for a bank statement dated within the last 3 months rather than accounts. This enables us to see the current financial position of units while accounts often show an out-of-date position. You’ll be asked to upload the bank statement when you fill in our online form. If you have a bank account and fail to provide a statement, we won’t be able to consider your application.
No. It is important that we can show due diligence in our assessment process. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer funding when accounts are overdue.
We recognise that good financial management can lead to some level of reserves being accumulated. We also recognise that reserves can mean successful fundraising. That’s why there’s space on the application form to explain the balance in the account at the time of application.
No. By the time you apply for funding you should have a good idea of how much funding you need and be able to show how you came up with this figure. This helps ensure the funding is being allocated to projects or plans that are likely to go ahead within the next 6 months.
If you don’t yet know what your local levy will be, you may want to apply for the Girlguiding and Girlguiding Scotland portions of the levy only. If you receive funding toward subscriptions for more girls than are in your unit when the final invoice is generated, you will be required to return any surplus funding.
All of your fundraising must comply with Girlguiding’s fundraising policy. You can apply for funding to top up what you’ve raised already, or you could continue to fundraise and make an application for something else.
You don’t need approval in advance of making an application. However, you may wish to let your commissioner know that you’re thinking of applying as there may be other local funds that you could access. County commissioners will be asked to review all applications made to the fund once they have been submitted. This will include asking them to confirm that the unit, district or division has submitted their latest set of accounts.
Our trustees set out the overall criteria for the Good Guiding Fund with advice from our business management and finance committee. A panel of staff and volunteers will review applications against the criteria.
Applications will be checked against the fund criteria. Those that meet the criteria will then be considered for funding. If we have more applications than funding available for the round, we’ll give priority to those who haven’t received funding previously and where there’s evidence of financial need. Even then, you may not receive all or any of the funding you request. We’ll be considering similar applications in batches to help ensure our decision-making is consistent.
We anticipate that most funding will be used within 6 months of you receiving your funding. If you don’t think you’ll be able to use all the money within this time, you may wish to apply for a later round.
Yes, it’s important that we gather evidence to show how this funding is being used and the difference that it is making to local guiding. You’ll need to complete a short online form 6-7 months after receiving funding to confirm that the money has been spent as intended. The evaluation will also ask how many girls and adults have benefitted and invite you to tell us a little bit about the difference it’s made. As the evaluation is a condition of the funding, if you fail to complete it, we’ll contact you to discuss returning the funding.
Contact and a member of the team will be in touch. Our development workers will be available for 1-to-1 phone or zoom calls. We expect to very busy as the deadline for applications approaches so please get in touch as early as possible as we won’t be able to accept applications after the deadline date.