
Girlguiding and employability

Welcome to our resource bank for new ways to find volunteers in employability spaces, and top tips for using your volunteering experience in CVs and interviews.

Organisations and job centres across Scotland direct skilled and experienced people to volunteering opportunities every day. They are looking to develop their confidence, find a community, and build up their CV. Make being a volunteer with Girlguiding Scotland the most obvious choice with these resources!

These resources will also help you make the most of your transferable skills and volunteering experience if you’re returning to work after a break, changing career, or landing your first job.

Want to make your CV stand out?

The transferable skills you gain as a Girlguiding volunteer can really help your CV stand out. Have a copy at your recruitment stand to show that being a member of Girlguiding doesn’t only benefit girls.



LinkedIn for volunteers

Sharing your own volunteering experiences and skills on LinkedIn helps your employability while also raising the profile of volunteering with Girlguiding Scotland.



Girlguiding Scotland role descriptions

A quick list and summary of our main roles to share with organisations, or to post on recruitment websites.



Email templates for contacting jobcentres and employability organisations

If you’re reaching out to a jobcentre or organisation for the first time, use this template to introduce Girlguiding and why we’re a great destination for volunteers.



Email templates for contacting volunteer/job fair providers

If there’s a volunteering fair or job fair happening in your local area, use this email template to request a table.



Introduction to Girlguiding Scotland presentation and script

Some organisations like you to speak to their staff or customers about your volunteering opportunities. Use this PowerPoint and script to shout about the amazing things you can do as a volunteer!

Download the script

Download the presentation


Checklist for attending employability events

Here’s a checklist to make sure you have the most successful event possible.



Example CV

Check out our guide for writing about your Girlguiding volunteering experience on a CV to show your experience and transferable skills.



Co-op adverts

Find volunteers in your local area using Co-op’s volunteering website.

Co-op volunteering


STAR interview technique

Volunteering with Girlguiding gives you lots of transferable skills and experiences to talk about in an interview. Here’s a guide to help you make the most of your volunteering journey when looking for a new job.
