
Generation CashBack – How we’ve helped support units, girls and their families

This year’s Youth Work Week focus is on youth work’s contribution to tackling poverty – which is fitting considering the cost-of-living crisis we’re facing right now. So, we wanted to take this opportunity to highlight some of the great work we’ve been able to do thanks to the Generation CashBack project.


Unfamiliar with Generation CashBack? It’s a Scottish Government-funded project which uses the proceeds of crime to expand opportunities for young people in disadvantaged areas. Guide and Ranger units across Scotland have benefited from the project. Here, Development Worker Andrea shares more about how we’ve been able to help support units and girls.

“One of the main parts of my role is linking up with volunteers who have reached out for support to figure out the needs of their unit and how the project can help. We have supported Guide and Ranger units with membership fees, hall rent, and unit meeting materials and resources. However, needing uniform, taking trips and going to camps are among the most common things units enquire about – and thankfully the project is here to help.

Sometimes we get first-hand feedback from girls whose units have received funding. A 1st Bonkle Ranger had this to say:

I didn’t have uniform before, and now I do I can go to the local parade with my unit!

In the wake of the pandemic, it became clear there was also a huge need for interactive, in-person experiences for young people. To help facilitate this, we provided support for units in to get transport to, and attend, events like Wander the World at Blair Drummond Safari Park. In the lead up to Wander the World, a 17th A Ayr Guide said:

We’re buzzing to get to plan our programme for the new term, and this time we can plan a trip too!

The project also offers members access to different leadership opportunities. Earlier this year we had virtual Young Leader event (where members could have sections of their young leader qualification signed off) and Patrol Leader events. Both events were attended by girls from all over Scotland! We were able to accommodate girls who couldn’t travel for various reasons, we also provided support with digital access and all girls were sent activity packs ahead of time to help them join in online.

The project is helping keep girls in guiding and making sure those in disadvantaged areas have access to all the great things we offer. We want families who may be struggling to know there are always options available to help ensure their girls can join in the fun of guiding no matter what. We have seen time again how youth work has helped improved the lives of our young members, as well as our volunteers. And, if you can’t shout about how much youth work helps improve the lives of young people during Youth Work Week, then when can you?”

Find out more

If you’re a Guide or Ranger unit leader, and you’re keen to find out more about what support is available, please book a 1-2-1 session with me! There are more financial support options available for other sections over on our website, and the new Good Guiding Fund is open to everyone.