
Edinburgh Rangers volunteer time to paint daffodil mural at local hospice


Girls from the Fairmilehead Ranger unit took part in a 2-week project to decorate the window of their nearby Marie Curie Hospice, with the help of local artist Margaret.

The unit was approached in January for their help following a similar assignment last May, where the girls were tasked with painting the windows as part of Demystifying Death Week. They also created bee bomb decorations for the window so that residents and visitors to the hospice could pick one up and scatter it in remembrance of their loved one.

Marie Curie aims to provide a better end of life for people, whatever their illness. This year saw the girls work for 4 hours overall to paint a riverbank with daffodils, which is the symbol of Marie Curie, as well as make origami daffodils to decorate the window sill.



Colette, a unit leader at Fairmilehead Rangers, said: “The leaders of Fairmilehead Rangers are very proud of the girls in their unit giving up their time to create this artwork which has such a positive impact in the hospice and brightened people’s day. This has been a great partnership with Marie Curie and we will also be hosting a Coffee Evening for them on Wednesday 30 April from 7pm to 8.30pm.”

Volunteering their time is something members of Girlguiding Scotland often partake in, from painting murals to helping in their local supermarket. Girls are also able to learn new skills, build friendships and improve their confidence.