
CYPCS Young Advisor – Elsie’s experience

Elsie shares her experience of being a Young Advisor for the Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland.


The Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland (CYPCS) Young Advisors group is made up of young people from all across Scotland to make sure that young people’s voices are being heard in the work of the Commissioner. Elsie, a Guide in Dumfries and Galloway, has been a Young Advisor for 6 months and has a passion for children’s rights. 


I’ve been learning about children’s rights since I was in primary school, and played a big part in the school achieving UNCRC Rights Respecting School Bronze and Silver Status. When I moved up to secondary school I was instantly attracted to the UNCRC steering group. When I joined I became more and more interested and passionate about rights due to the fact that people will always need to use different rights on a daily basis. Sadly, some children cannot access the rights they need. I recognise how privileged I am to have a house, food and water, and other people barely have that. I enjoy learning about how to use my voice so I can help other people and I want to be the best I can be and create positive change for all, so other people benefit and can exercise their rights and be the best they can be.

I wanted to become a Young Advisor so I can better understand and learn about my community and the world around me. Only then can I do my best to use my voice to help other people and make a positive difference in my community, country, and the world and make sure all children’s rights are respected at all times. I have been a Young Advisor for around 6 months now and I feel lucky to be part of a group doing such important work for all children in Scotland. I was very excited when I got the email about this wonderful opportunity, I have been made very welcome and am learning a lot about myself as well as the world around me and how I can play a part in making things better now and in the future.

Something that I think is impacting children’s rights is discrimination. Discrimination is illegal but sadly it still happens. Children can be discriminated against at school, on the streets, and even in their own home. Discrimination can be because of race, gender, disability, religion. This can stop children from being treated equally or from accessing equal opportunities. Problems like discrimination make it harder for children to enjoy their rights and can impact their education, health, happiness and safety. I am passionate about helping other children express themselves. This may seem like a small thing but it is important children of all ages are comfortable and encouraged to express themselves. This helps people get to know them, what they need, and what is important to them. Children and young people have important things to say, and it’s important we give them space to speak.

At our last Young Advisor session earlier this summer we worked on sharing our thoughts about the change to the SQA. The Education (Scotland) Bill 2024 means a new qualification body is being formed. Education and exams are something that impacts all children in Scotland, and I took great care and pride in giving honest views for consideration of the future qualification body.

My favourite thing about being an advisor is meeting new people and making new friends from all over Scotland, and working together with the CYPCS team to help other people and ensure children’s rights are respected. It’s so hard to pick just one favourite as I love everything about being a Young Advisor to the Children and Young People’s Commissioner for Scotland. If anyone else is thinking about getting involved I would recommend it!


Find out more about the Young Advisors group here.