
Campa Caraidean (cancelled)

Please read on for important information regarding the Campa Caraidean cancellation

9-11 September Achachairdeis, Townhead of Aber, Gartocharn, Dunbartonshire, G83 8NQ

*Campa Caraidean has been cancelled, please see below for more information*

A messaged from Girlguiding Scotland…

It is with profound sadness that we at Girlguiding Scotland have learned of the death of our Patron, Her Majesty The Queen. Our deepest sympathies are with the Royal Family at this very sad time. You can see the full Girlguiding statement here.

In consultation with the organising team and after much careful consideration, we’ve made the extremely difficult decision to cancel Campa Caraidean as a mark of respect. We’re really sorry for any inconvenience this causes you if you were due to attend. If you have any questions please get in touch with

*Original event info below*

This is a great opportunity for adult volunteers to come together, relax and have fun with like-minded members while celebrating the amazing contribution the outgoing chief commissioner team have made to Scottish guiding over the last 5 years.

What’s on offer?

Come enjoy the great outdoors with members from across Scotland in one of the most beautiful settings in the world. Get ready to explore nature and make new friends for life. We have a fantastic selection of packages on offer (from Bronze to Diamond), which you can get more information on below, but prices start at £120 for a general weekend camping ticket. Please note that some packages have more than one version to choose from.

The campsite will be open to guests from 3.30pm onwards on Friday 9 September and the main marquee will be open from 6pm for dinner. The site should be clear by 2pm on Sunday 11 September.

When will tickets go on sale?

Tickets will go on sale on Thursday 26 May at 12pm.

Please read through our full list of FAQs and terms and conditions below before booking.

More info

  • Tickets can be booked on an individual basis only. This is due to the personal contact information required at the time of booking. Please ensure all members of your group are familiar with your tent name to allow groups to be accommodated together.
  • All tickets include your camp fees for your stay, a camp fire experience on the Friday, all your meals (dinner both nights, lunch on Saturday as well as an on site afternoon tea on the same day then brunch on Sunday), a Welly Ball on Saturday night complete with DJ plus a special badge – this is what makes up the aforementioned general weekend camping ticket for £120. Please read on for info on the different packages available.

More info on the selection of packages…